Hi my friends,

I’d like to show a nice maritime neighborhood in Trieste.
If you come visit Trieste one day, you have to go spend a few hours in Barcola.

Little beach just before the Barcola promenade. The park of Miramar is behind us.

There are little beaches and a long promenade that starts near the Park of Miramar.
The promenade is about 3 kilometers long and goes in the direction the city center of Trieste .

Walking on the promenade in Barcola.

During the spring and the summer, the promenade is packed with people.
Inhabitants of Trieste love to go there during their lunch break,
in the evening after work and during the week.
The ambiance is undiscribable. You have to be there to experience it.
You see all these people, young & old, have a great time.
Some read a book, some drink a beer among friends, some others swim in the sea etc …

I specially love the part of the promenade that is near the pine Trees.
When it is really hot, you can walk a few meters and go under the trees.
The part is Barcola is also very kids-friendly ( a lot of kids’ playgrounds).

Part of the promenade that is near a little forrest of pine trees
kids’ playground under the pine trees.

If you want to blend in along local people,
go have a drink in one of the many wooden cadin along the promenade.
The sales drinks and things to eat.
Just stand their among local, have a drink and enjoy the day.

Near one of the wooden cabin saling drinks, under the pine trees.


My tips for Barcola:

1/ Come early.
2/ Park along that street or here.
3/ Walk all the way along the promenade.

4/ Go take a sun bath on the beach or the promenade.
5/ Spend some time under the pine trees.
6/ Go buy a drink in one of the many wooden cabin.
7/ Take the boat Delfino Verde.

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