Hello my friends,

Ljubljana, as many other main cities in the world, has a plenty of good Bars and Restaurants.
There’s no point giving you a long list of places where you should eat and drink.
But I can try to give you a small list of bars/restaurants that I know and that I like.

1/ Gujžina:
Very good restaurant near the city hall of Ljubljana.
They specialise in cooking for from the eastern part of Slovenia (near the hungarian border).
The food is exquisit. If you like desserts, try the “Gibanica”.

Try this cake called Gibanica … the speciality of the restaurant.

2/ Le petit Café & Restaurant:
This cool place is a Café and a restaurant.
It is located near the “Revolution Square”.
They cook french cuisine. Good atmosphere and very international.
Nice decor “à la francaise” inside the restaurant.

Simple food but very good taste.

3/ Abi Falafel:
If you like fresh Falafel, this is the place for you.
The restaurant is situated in a hip little street with graffitis on the wall.
It should not cost you more that 5 or 7 € to eat a good Falafel.
Highly recommended if you are on a budget.

The restaurant is located in a very cool street. A nice place for people watching.
In front of the restaurant Abi Falafel, not far from the Dragon Bridge.

4/ Forum:
Nice Irish bar/restaurant next to the Butchers’ Bridge and the river.
Very cool place with a lot of young students.
Very animated during the evening with plenty of young international students.

Breakfast at the terrace of the bar/restaurant Forum.
Very good ambiance in the evening. A lot of people during the week end.

5/ Ljubljana Central Market:
Excellent place if you want to eat local specialties from Slovenia and elsewhere.
You will eat well for a cheap price.

Tourits ordering a local pizza in the Central Market of Ljubljana.
Central Market of Ljubljana.

6/ Barbarella:
This little restaurant under the arcades of the Ljubljana central market is among my favorite.
Vegetarian food freshly cooked, nice cakes and fresh juices, good breakfast.
Eat at the Terrace or near the windows to see the river and the boats passing by.

Breakfast at Barbarella.
Lunch at Barbarella.

7/ Taman:
Very good restaurant not very far from Preseren Square.
Excellent Vegetarian cooking. It discovered this restaurant by chance in may 2018.
I wanted to try a vegeterian restaurant. I tried that one and I did not regret it.

In front of the restaurant Taman.
Lunch at Taman. It looks simple but it taste incredibly good.
Lunch at Taman.

8/ Pop’s place:
Good burger restaurant situated next to river Ljubljanica and Preseren Square.
If you like eating burgers, you’ll love this place.
it is very well located and not expensive.

Terrace of the burger restaurant Pop’s place. The river is just on the left.
Prešeren Square is less than 150 meters away from the restaurant.

9/ Kavarna Moderna:
Another cool Bar/Café in a very unexpected place.
It is situated just under the Museum of Modern Art of Ljubljana.
When the weather is nice, they put table outside at the entrance of the museum.
They usually play good electro music which make me enjoy this place even more.
Tivoli park is just 100 meters away from the Café.

Kavarna Moderna. Great place to have a drink during the spring and the summer.
Terrace of the Café, near the entrance of the museum.
Have a drink at the terrace of the Café (in front of the museum) and watch locals passing by.

10/ Kavarna SEM:
The nice Café/Restaurant is located just next to the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum (or “S.E.M“).
I really like this neighbourhood because it is hip, quiet and not too touristy.
If you go visit one of these 3 museums (S.E.M, the Museum of Comtempory Art or the National Museum Of Slovenia-Metelkova),
go have drink in Kavarna SEM. If the weather is nice, you can stay outside the bar and enjoy a drink surounded by young locals.

Locals drinking and chilling out in front of Kavarna SEM during the summer.
You can sit outside in this nice corner with a view of the “Church of the Sacred heart of Jesus” (behind the trees).
You can order a good breakfast both outside and inside the Café.
You can also order a breakfast inside the Café.

11/ Slon 1552:
This restaurant is located inside the Hotel Slon, just 250 meters away from Prešeren Square.
The food is absolutly exquisit and not expensive at all. I ate very well for 15 €.
The staff is really nice and the design of the restaurant is very modern.
I highly recommend this restaurant if you wander around in the city center of Ljubljana.

Beautiful table near the windows.
Ready to dig in !
This pea soup was very tasty.

12/ Nebotičnik:
This is my favorite place to eat a slice of cake with a good coffee or a tea.
I think you will not find a bar with a better view over the city.
The bar/café is at the top of the oldest skycraper in eastern europe (1933).
It is a great place to hang out with friends and it is not expensive.

Hard to find a Café with a better view over Ljubljana.
Customers at the terrace of the Café.
The terrace goes all around. 360° view over the city.

13/ Puffy ‘Lil Pancakes:
I found this tiny shop by chance in 2018 when I was walking along the street “Čopova ulica”.
They make fresh little pancakes on-the-spot right before your eyes.
I like to eat their fresh pancakes with strawberry coulis.
But you’ll be able to chooce others stuffs to go with your pancakes :
-> Nutella, white or black chocolate, honey, hazelnut cream, apricot jam etc …

This little shop is located just underneath Mac Donald in a street called “Čopova ulica“.
Fresh pancakes made on-the-spot for each client.
It tastes as good as it looks. 10 little pancakes served with a strawberry coulis -> 3,50 €.

Bye Bye!


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