Hello guys,

I am going to show you Gorjansko (->map).

View of Gorjansko near the vineyards.

Gorjansko is a little village in Kras near the Italian border.
It has a population of about 300 people.
It is worth stopping by in the village because there is a special cemetery there.

This cemetery is a memorial for the Austro-Hungarian soldiers who died during the first world war
during battles who took place near the valley of Soča (not far from the Soča river).
More than 6000 soldiers who died during those battles (kingdom of Italy vs Austria-Hungary) are burried in this cemetery.
There is a lot of trees and greenary all around the graves.

Entrance of the cemetery.
Inside the cemetery.
Memorial at the back of the cemetery.

This militery cemetery is the one of the oldest and best preserved of its kind in Slovenia.
The monumental part of the cemetery built was complated in 1916.

The village, in itself, is nice and very peaceful.
I specially like walking a bit around the Church.
The is a square near the church with a memorial for villagers who died during WWII.
The tower bell of the village is quite high and it can see it from neighboring villages.

Memorial for villagers who died during WWI in the main square, near the church.

Memorial for villagers who died during WWI in the main square, near the church.There is a very good restaurant called Gostilna Čotar, just in front of the church.
I went to eat there a couple of time and the food was very good.
It is only open on Saturday and Sunday (from 10 A.M to 10 P.M).

Gostilna Čotar, in front of the church.

There are plenty of vineyards all around the village.
Like in many other little village in the region, there are a few local wine producer in this region.

Old house with vineyards on its wall at the entrance of Gorjansko.

Gorjansko is one of the villages belonging to the municipality of Komen.
Komen is a village of  more than 700 inhabitants that is just 5 km away from Gorjansko.
If you are in Gorjansko and need to run errands at a super market or get some petrol, you have to go to Komen.

My tips for Gorjansko:

1/ Visit the military cemetery.
2/ Walk around the Church and go inside.
3/ Eat and drink local wine at Gostilna Čotar.
4/ Go to visit Komen, Zagrajec and Ivanji Grad.
5/ Go swimming in Sistiana.

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