Hi guys,

Ljubljana is a cool city, there’s a lot to see and discover.
Though the city center is kind of small, there are more than 15 museums in Ljubljana.
Today, I’d like to show you some of the good museums that I liked.

1/ National Gallery:

View of the front facade of the National Gallery.

This museum is located next to the Tivoli Park and the Museum of Modern Art.
Inside the museum, you’ll find Slovenia’s largest collection of fine art from the middle ages to the 20th century.
I also like this museum because of its architecture which is both classic and very modern.

Temporary exhibition showcasing paintings of the Slovenian painter Ivana Kobilca (1861-1926).
Painting showed ->”Parisian woman with a letter” by Ivana Kobilca.
At the center of the museum. Through these large windows, we see the orthodox church “Sts. Cyril and Methodius“.

The main building was built in 1896 and an extension to that building was built in the 1990s.
A large transparent glass gallery was built in 2001 to connect the 2 buildings.
For that museum, I recommend spending 2 hours inside to see most of it.


2/ Museum of Modern Art:

View of the front facade of the Museum of Modern Art.

This museum is also located next to the Tivoli Park and just 70m away from the National Gallery.
Very good museum if you like modern art. Great architecture and good light inside the building.
For this museum, I recommend spending at least 1 hour to see most of it.

One of the many large rooms in the museum.
You’ll find nice sculputures and paintings inside.
Bronze -> Portrait of Marshal Tito (President of Yougoslavia btw. 1952 and 1980) by Boris Kalin.

There is also an excellent Café called Kavarna Museum inside the museum.
You can go there after visiting the museums and have a drink.
You can either have a drink inside or outside, at the terrace which is in front of the museum.

People drinking at the terrace of the Café “Kavarna Moderna” in front of the museum.
Go sit there and have a drink. Cheers !


3/ Slovenian Ethnographic Museum:

View of the front facade of the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum.

In this museum, you’ll find a large collections of artefacts related to Slovenian and non-European material, social and spiritual culture.
I went there in August 2018 and I was not expecting much of it. But after visiting the museum, I was absolutly delighted.
Excellent museum with a cool and modern design.

View of the esplanade from the second flloor. 2 others museums are located around this esplanade.

You’ll get to learn of lot about cultures and civilisations of all over the world.
The museum also showcase temporary exhibitions.
I saw an excellent temporary exhibition on beekeeping called “Where bees ate at home”.
This expo can be seen untill the 14th of June 2019.
For that museum, I recommend spending at least 2 hours inside.

One of the rooms of the temporary exhibition showcasing old objects and tools used for beekeeping.
View of huge beehive model made of wood from the first floor of the building (Temporary exhibition).
Ritual head covered with cowery head (from nothern Togo, Africa).
African mask exhibited on the top floor of the building.

As a bonus, there is an excellent café/restaurant called Kavarna SEM attached to the museum.
Go there and have something to eat/drink inside or outside.
On a sunny day, having a drink outside the café among locals is MUST.

Locals chilling out in front of “Kavarna SEM“, the Café of the museum.



View of the MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART METELKOVA from the esplanade.

This museums displays selected works of contemporary art from western and eastern European artist.
The museum is located next to the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum and right next to Metelkova.
It opened in 2011 and its architecture is very modern both inside and outside.

View of the museum, inside on the second floor. Very modern design and a lot of light inside.
One of the large room in the museum.
Some of the paintings exhibited in that room.

I did not like everything that was inside but some arts where very interresting.
I recommend spending at least 1 hour to see most of it.

There’s also a little Café on the ground floor with a little terrace.
Have a drink there and look at cool locals and tourists passing by on the esplanade.

Terrace of the museum Café on the ground floor.
View the esplanade and the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum from the terrace of the Café.


bye bye !

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