Hi guys,

I am going to show you something that is very special here.
It always start with an indication board  with leafy branches near the road.
On that wooden board is written the name of the village where the Osmica is located.
If you are a tourist visiting the region, you’ll probably scratch your head trying to understand what it is.
Most of the time, these indication boards are painted in red or in blue.

Indication board with leafy branches indicating the direction of the village where the Osmica is located.

An “Osmica” is a temporary family restaurant that is supposed to last 8 consecutive days.
It is an old tradition that dates back from the late 18th century when the Habsburg Monarchy was ruling the region.
Peasants were authorised to sell the products of their farm (wine, sausages, cheese, eggs etc…)
during 8 days (one time or several times throughout the year) without paying taxes.

More than 200 years later, this tradition is still very alive in the Karst Region,
both in Slovenia and in Italy (on the other side of the border).
The Habsburg Empire is no more but the “Osmica” tradition continues.

If you drive around in this region, you’ll probably see many “Osmica” boards.
Try to follow the direction indicating the village where the “Osmica” is located.

When you arrive at the Osmica, you’ll see an Osmica board and branches
with leaves on the wall of the house where the Osmica takes place.
It is most of the time a farm or an old typical house (made with stones).

Osmica” board with leaves indicating the Osmica in the village “Lipa“.
Entrance of the “Osmica“. That client is waiting for his food.
Locals eating their food outisde, in the courtyard.

Here we are guys, the hardest part is behind us.
Now, we can find a table and order good local food surrounded by locals.
The food is simple but very tasty and very cheap.
For about 10 to 12 euros, you’ll eat very well.
In a normal restaurant, you’d probably pay much more than that.

Food has just arrived …
We are ready to dig in !
Local dessert called “Štruklji“.

You’ll be able to order ham, sausages, cheese, eggs, salamis, local apple juice etc …
They only difference maybe with the “Osmizas” in Italy (it is written “Osmiza” with a “Z” in Italian)
is that here, on the Slovenian side, you’ll find cooked food (sausages, potatoes, sauerkraut).
On the other side of the border, many “Osmizas” (not all of them) only serve raw food such as salami, raw ham.

Receipt … 21,90 € for 2 people. Very cheap !

Next time you come to visit the Karst Region, you’ll know what the word “Osmica” means.
In a nutshell, it is temporary restaurant usually run my member of the same family.
They serve fresh and local products of their farm at a very cheap price.
If you come visit the Karst Region, do not miss that experience !


My tips for the Osmicas:

1/ Pay attention to the indication board along the road.
2/ Go there with friends.
3/ Try to taste a little bit of everything.
4/ Blend in and talk with locals.

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