Hi guys,

We are exploring the Karst Region but this time, on the other side of the border.
We are in Italy on the Karst plateau. Here, Italians call this region Carso.
I would like to show you what an Osmiza looks like in this region.

An Osmiza (called “Osmicain Slovenian) is a temporary restaurant often run
by members of the same family. This tradition dates back from the late 18th
century when this region still belonged to the Habsburg Mornachy.
Back then, peasants of the region were authorized to sell products of their
farms (wine, raw-ham, cheese, eggs etc …) without paying taxes.
Farmers had the permission to open a temporary restaurant for 8 consecutive
days (one time or a couple a time during the year).
The origin from the world Osmiza derives from the Slovene word Osem which means 8.
In a nutshell, the word Osmiza (or “Osmica” in Slovene) means 8 days.

We are now in the 21rst century and this tradition still lives on in the region.
If you are a tourist visiting the region, it would probably hard for you to know
where to find Osmizas.
It always start with a wooden signpost (often in red or blue color) with leafy branches
at the side of the road. On this signpost is written the name of the village where
the Osmiza is located and sometimes the name of the Osmiza.

Wooden signpost indicating the way to the Osmiza.

Follow the direction of the signposts along the road till you reach
the village where the Osmiza is located. Once you get to the village,
looks at signs (wooden board with leafy branches) to locate the house
where the Osmiza is. It should not be too hard because almost all Osmizas
are located in small villages.

After following the signs, we’ve arrived in Malchina.
Leafy branches indicating the parking lot for the clients near the Osmiza/Osmica.
View of the courtyard of Ozmiza Fabec from the street.

We are now in a small village called “Malchina/Mavhinje” in Italy.
All villages of this part of Italy have their names written in Italian and Slovene.
This part of Italy still has more than 30.000 inhabitants of Slovenian descent.
Therefore, all city entrance signs and signposts are written in Italian and Slovenian.

In a Osmiza, you can eat locals products of the farm (Salami, cheese, cold cuts, eggs etc …)
and drink local wine (red wine of the region called “Teran“).
Here, at the Osmiza “Fabec” (for instance), you can also order a desert such as Strudels.

Salami, local cheese, bread and sausage cooked inside a bread.
Homemade Strudel.

Almost all Osmizas have a courtyard so that clients can eat and drink
outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Locals eating in the courtyard of Osmiza “Fabec“.
Locals eating in the courtyard of Osmiza “Fabec“.

If you come visit the Karst Region, go eat at an Osmiza.
It is fun, the food is good and above all … it is very cheap.
Do not miss that experience !


My tips:

1/ Follow the wooden road signs.
2/ Go there with friends of family.
3/ Try to taste a little bit of everything.
4/ Do not hesitate to talk with locals around you.
5/ For Osmiza Fabec, park your car in this area.
6/ Open Osmizas in this area.

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