Hello guys,

I am taking you with me to see the Castle of San Giusto (or Castello di San Giusto in Italian).
The castle is situated on the top of San Giusto hill.

View of the front facade of the castle near the “Round Bastion” (left side of that facade with the Italian flag).

The buiding was formely built as a fortress between 1468 and 1630 upon the ruins of a Venetian castle.
Thanks to its strategic location providing a perfect view over Trieste and the golf of Trieste, the fortress was used as a military post.
In the 1930s, the fortress was restored and became a castle. It then acquired its current appearence.

View of Trieste and the sea from the terrace of the round bastion.

This castle is one of the best places to visit in Trieste.
It is surrounded by a nice park called Parco della Remembranza (Memorial Park in English),
the ruins of a Roman forum and the Cathedral of San Giusto.

View of the Cathedral of San Giusto and its bell tower from the terrace of the Round Bastion.

When you go for a walk around the castle, everything is more quiet.
You are far away from the hustle and bustle of the heart of the city (down bellow at sea level).

The price of the ticket to enter the castle is only 3 €.
For all that you’ll be able to see inside, it is very very cheap. Believe me !
You’ll be able to walk around the castle, have access to a museum and the Lapidario Tergestino.

Walking along the ramparts of the castle.
Concerts are often played in the courtyard of the castle during the summer.
Terrace of the Lalio Bastion of the castle. Some of the lucky guests attending the concert that day will have dinner there.

Housed in the Lalio Bastion of the castle, you’ll find the Lapidario Tergestino.
It contains inscription, sculptures, bas-reliefs dating from the Roman Era when the city of Trieste was then called Tergeste.

The entrance of the Lapidario Tergestino is to the right.
Close-up of the entrance of the Lapidario Tergestino.
Go down those stairs to access the rooms where the objects are exposed.
Ancient statues from the roman era in Lapidario Tergestino.
Eagle engraved in stone (still from the roman era) in the Lapidario Tergestino.

In another part of the castle called the Captain’s House, next the the castle’s courtyard,
you’ll be able to see the gorgeous Sala Veneta (“Venetian Room” in English), the San Giorgio Chapel
and a large collection of weapons dating from the 12th to 19th century.
This part of the castle is called “The Captain’s house” because back then,
Trieste was controled by an imperial captain who was a representative of the “Habsburg Empire” (a.k.a “Austrian Monarchy”).
Though the city became independent in 1382 after endless wars between the “Republic of Venice” and the “Habsburg Empire
(who both wanted annex Trieste), the city was under the control of that imperial captain.
The first imperial captain was appointed by Emperor Frederick III in 1468.
Hence the name -> Captain’s House.

Venetian Room.
Very large room where all sorts of weapons are exposed.
Swords from the Middle Ages.
Old rifles on the wall, in that same room.
San Giorgio Chapel.

In another part of the castle called the “Round Bastion”,
if you walk up the stairs, you’ll see a very large terrace giving you a great view over the city of Trieste.

View of the “Round Bastion” and the “Captain’s house” (White house and its stone tower) from the ramparts of the castle.

After visiting of the museum and the Lapidario Tergestino, do not hesitade to go there and order a drink at the bar of the castle.
The drinks are pretty cheap in this bar. That is quiet odd for such a nice place with a panoramic terrace over the city.
Order a drink in this bar and enjoy the view.

Terrace of  the “Panoramik”. That is the name of the castle’s bar which is situated abobe the Round Bastion.
Standing near the edge of the terrace while having a drink.
Turn around and you’ll have this fantastic view over Trieste. Hard to beat that !

On your way out of the museum, take a good look at the original statues of “Mikeze and Jakeze“.
A copy of these 2 statues ringing the bell can be seen at the top of  the bell tower of town hall of Trieste in Piazza Unità d’Italia.
If you still have time after visiting the castle, go see the Cathedral of San Giusto
and wander around in Parco della Remembranza (->Memorial Park) which is just next to the castle.

Statues of “Mikeze and Jakeze” at the entrance/exit of the museum.
Getting out of the museum. The Cathedral of San Giusto is 100 meters ahead.


My tips for the San Giusto Castle:

1/ Park your car in that street or here.
2/ Go see the museum.
2/ Go see the Lapidario Tergestino.
3/ Walk along the ramparts of the castle.
4/ Walk in the courtyard of the castle.
5/ Have a drink at the terrace of the bar “Panoramik”.
6/ Take time to enjoy the view from the Terrace.

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