Hello guys,

Today, I am going to show you Tivoli Park, in Ljubljana.
A few months ago, I heard an American tourist saying “Yeah, I’ve seen Tivoli Park … it’s just a park”.
If you spend very few time in Ljubljana and walk in that park for less than 30 minutes, you’ll probably reach the same conclusion.
But if you spend a couple of days in Ljubljana and go spend a couple of hours in Tivoli Park, I am pretty sure you will be more enthusiastic.
I know what I am talking about because I was one those who thought that Tivoli Park was “not that great after all”.

Riding a bike in the embassy disctrict, on my way to Tivoli Park.

I went to Tivoli Park 3 or 4 times and now, I must say that I like it a lot.
It might not be the most beautiful park in Europe but everytime I go there, there is always a very good atmosphere.
You can walk on the grass, ride a bike, go there for a picnic, go jogging etc …

Tivoli Park.
Nice fountain near the Jakopič Promenade, in the middle of the park.
Tivoli Park.
Café/Restaurant Čolnarna on the right and Greenhouse/Botanical garden on the left.

If you happen to visit Ljubljana in spring or in summer, spending a couple of hours in Tivoli Park is a must.
The park is about 5 square kilometres. Much too big to visit in less than an hour.
For those of you who might be a little short on time, I recommend you to rent a bike.
If you have a bike, You shouldn’t have any problem to see a big part of the park and the center of Ljubljana in just one day.

Cycle track surrounding Tivoli Park.

Just next to the Tivoli park, you’ll find the embassy district.
This part of Ljubljana is very bourgeois but still very cool, hip and laid-back.
After or before spending time in the park, take a little time to discover this district of Ljubljana.
I recommend you to have a drink at Kavarna Moderna, hip café just in front of the modern museum.
Go and sit on the terrace of the bar and have a drink while watching locals on their way towards Tivoli park.

Terrace of Kavarna Moderna. Cool Café, just at the entrance of the Museum of Modern Art of Ljubljana.
Behind the Café and the Museum of Modern Art, we can see Tivoli Park in the background.


My tips for Tivoli Park :

1/ Spend a least 2 or 3 hours to really enjoy the park.
2/ Use a bike to see most of it.
3/ Have a picnic in the park.
4/ Have a drink at Kavarna Moderna, near Tivoli Park.

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