Hello my friends,

It is always nice to walk around to explore and discover a new city.
But for now, let’s take a break and try to find good places to eat and drink.
I am going to give you a small list of cool places in Trieste.

1/ Barcola:
There are at least 6 cabins or beach bars along the promenade where you can buy somethings to drink and eat.
Go have a drink in one of these beach bars and blend in with Triestini (inhabitants of Trieste).
Having a drink among Triestini in Barcola is one of the best way to feel the pulse of the city.

Beach bar under the pine trees in Barcola.
One of the many other beach bars on the promanade, about 1 km further out.

2/ Eataly:
If you are in Italy, you have to go eat/drink in Eataly.
Eataly is a large Italian marketplace that exist in many cities in Italy and other countries.
Restaurants, food and beverage counters, bakery, retail items etc …
All in the same building and all made in Italy.
The Eataly building in Trieste is just next to the marina.
Go there and enjoy the Italian cuisine, Italian café illy, Italian wines in a very Italian ambience.
I personally recommend eating/drinking on the ground floor.
You’ll be able to see Trieste and its marina through massive windows.
On the first floor, there is a good restaurant called Osteria del Vento.
They serve good food and you can eat outside at the terrace to have a view of the marina.

Eataly in Trieste. Park your car Here.
Ground floor inside the building. We can see Trieste and the marina through massive windows.
View of the marina on the ground floor while eating.
Restaurant Osteria del Vento on the first floor of the building.

3/ The Roof:
This cool bar is on the terrace, on the first floor of the “Marina San Giusto” red building.
It is  located in the marina, at Molo Venezia 1, not far from the Eataly building.
On the groundfloor, there is a bar and a restaurant called Pier.
Go inside and take the stairs to go to “The roof”.
They have great drinks and cocktails and you’ll have a fantastic view of Trieste and its marina.

First bar on the terrace. We see the back of the Eataly building on the right.
View of the marina and the docks of Trieste near the second bar, on the terrace.
Cheers !

4/ Pier:
This restaurant is located in the same red building as “The roof“, but at the basement.
From the restaurant, you’ll have a great view of the marina and the sea.
I think it is fair to say that it is probably one top 5 restaurants in Trieste with such a great view.
One little drawback though … it is a bit expensive.
I ordered a fish for lunch and there was not much on my plate.
It was very tasty but expensive for such a little portion of fish.
If you want to eat well there, you’ll have to pay at least 35 € or 50 €.
But you can also go there just to have a drink, especially outside during the spring and the summer.
The decor inside the restaurant is very nice. You’ll be able to see the marina through large windows.

Inside the restaurant.
Eating lunch outside on the terrace. The view is spectacular!
Codfish Trieste-Style” -> Very tasty but expensive for such a tiny portion (->20€).

5/ Caffè degli Specchi:
This café founded in 1839 is an institution in Trieste.
It is located in Piazza unita d’italia.
Go there, order a drink at the terrace during the summer.
A great place for people watching.
The interior of the cafe is very nice and cosy.

Caffè degli Specchi in Trieste Piazza unità d’italia.
View of Piazza Unità d’Italia from the terrace of the café.

6/ Caffè Tommaseo:
Another old school café (founded in 1830), another institution.
It is not far from Piazza Unità d’Italia.
The interior is old school and very cosy.
It is a café but also a restaurant.
The food is very good but not cheap.
If you are on a budget, just order a Coffee or a tea and you’ll be fine.

Caffè Tommaseo.
The interior is classy.
illy café is everywhere in this city. The headquarter of this Italian coffee roasting company is in Trieste.

7/ Caffè San Marco:
Yet another institution that was founded in 1914.
I love this place. It is a café and a book store at the same time.
Many local people go there to read a newspaper or a book while having a coffee and a croissant.
The interior is fantasticly old school and they often play old school Jazz music.
There are less tourists in this café because we are about 1,3 km away from the city center.
But this is perfet because you will really feel like you’re inside a old café, in Italy …
not in a place where half of the clients speak english.

Caffè San Marco.
The bar desk of caffè San Marco.
Interior of the café.

8/ Panoramik:
This bar is localed inside the Castle of San Giusto, on the terrace.
It is one of my favorite place to have a drink because the castle is on higher ground.
First you’ll have to pay a 3 € fee to enter the castle even before ordering a drink.
But it is worth it. From the terrace of the café, you’ll have one of the best view over the city.
The drinks are very cheap. Go have a drink at the terrace and enjoy the view.

Inside the bar.
Terrace of the café.
These 2 gentlemen seating in front of me have a great view over the city.
View of Trieste from the edge of the terrace.

9/ Jazzin:
This ice-cream shop sell very goods ice-cream and cold desserts.
It is located in Via del Mercato Vecchio, not far from the marina and the Piazza Unità d’Italia.
The weather is very hot during the summer in Trieste,
when you can find a place like Jazzin that sell excellent ice creams …
at a cheap price and right it the heart of the city center, it is a real blessing.

Gelateria Jazzin.
Some of the nice things you can buy.
Triestini taking shelter inside the ice-cream shop to escape the summer heat.

10/ Genuino:
This is a fast food restaurant that I discovered very recently.
It is situated just 50 meters away from “Piazza della Borsa” and 150 meters away from “Piazza Unità d’Italia”.
They mainly serve vegetarian, eco-friendly and organic food. There, you can eat well and healthy for about 10 to 15 €.
I loved the interior decor of that restaurant (old chairs and bike on the wall etc …).
Most of the people going there to eat during lunch time are Italians working in the area or locals living in the neighborhood.
I really liked that. You really feel like -> “Yeah … I am in Trieste, Italy”.
This restaurant is a little bit hidden. I scratched my head for 30 secondes trying to find good way to get there.
If you are in “Piazza della Borsa“, take the little passage called “Passo Della Portizza“.
When you’ll exist the passage, you’ll see the restaurant right on your left.

When you are in “Piazza della borsa”, take this little passage called “Passo Della Portizza“.
Restaurant “Genuino“, at the end of the passage (just to the left).
The decor inside the restaurant is really cool.
Carrot soup and mixed salad (with chiken).
Sweet of the day (->chocolate cake). I tried it and it was excellent.

11/ Osterija Ferluga:

This fish and seafood restaurant is located on higher ground, in Canconello
If you go there during the summer and eat outside, on the terrace, you’ll have a great view over the sea.
The food is very good and not very expensive. For about 25€, you should be able to eat very well.
The owner and waiters of the restaurant all speak Italian and Slovenian.

Main entrance of the restaurant.
Plate with seafood and fish for lunch.

I recommend you to go eat there during the spring or the summer.
There is a parking lot which is about 100 meters away from the restaurant.
After eating lunch, go there and enjoy the view over Trieste.

View of the parking lot and the sea from the terrace of the restaurant.
Table and benches next to the parking lot. This spot offers one of the best view over Trieste.


bye bye !

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