Hello guys,

Today, I am taking you with me the summit of Trstelj (->map).

View of Trstelj (hill to the right) from road between Lipa and Temnica.

With 643 meters, it is the highest hill in the karst region.
Many locals and a few tourists love to walk up there and breathe fresh air.

There are many paths and trails crossing the forrest leading to the top of Trstelj.
If you like hiking, I recommend you to start walking in Lipa or Temninica.
These 2 villages are just downhill.
Depending on how fast you walk, it should take you about 1 hour (or a bit more) to reach to summet of the hill.

On your way up the top of Trstelj, you’ll see a big cottage (koča in Slovene).
It is about 400 hundreds away from the top of the summit.
It is open almost all year round during during on Saturdays and Sundays.
You can eat,drink and sleep there.
I like to order a Strudel and a tea when I stop there.
The owner of the cottage make awesome strudel and it is super cheap.

Cottage near the summit of Trstelj.
You can stop there on your way up or down to drink or eat something.

After a good walk, we’ve now arrived at the summit.
If the weather is clear, you’ll see the Adritic sea and Monfalcone, the Alps,
the Dolomites, little villages downhill (Lipa, Temnica), Šempeter, Nova Gorica, Gorizia etc …

Walking on the path leading to the summit.
View of the Valley of Vipava from the summit.
Summit of Trstelj.

I recommend you to go see the 2 stone tables at the summit indicating
the direction of the surrounding hills, mountains, villages and cities.
If the weather is really clear, the view is really spectacular.

First stone table in the direction of the valley of Vipava.
Second stone table in the direction of the Adriatic sea and the karst region.
If you walk down a little, you will see the Adriatic sea towards the city of Monfalcone.

For those of you who would like to hike around Trstelj,
there are many paths and trails leading to the summit of surrounding hills.

If you follow this mountain trail next to the summit, you’ll reach the summit of these hills.

My tips for Trstelj:

1/ Take a good look at the sea and the mountains.
2/ Eat and drink at the Cottage near the summit.
3/ You won’t walk too long if you park Here.
4/ Walk up along the trail between Lipa and Trstelj.
5/ Walk between Temnica and Trstelj.
6/ Go mountain biking towards the summit.

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