Hello guys,

I would like to show you a village on the Italian side of the karst region.
It is named Villaggio del Pescatore (->map).
This village is not far from the Slovenian border.
Sistiana is 4 km away and Duino is just 1,5 km away.

Marina of Villaggio Del Pescattore, near one of the canals.

This village has less than 500 inhabitants.
Very few tourists coming from other countries go there.
But local people in the karst region like to go there to walk near the water or go on a bike ride.

To go there, you just have to take the road “SS14” in Sistiana in the direction of Monfalcone.
From Sistiana, it should not take you more than 7 minutes to arrive in the village.

When you’ll arrive there, look at the notice indicating the way to “Cantiere Timano“.
After 400 meters, you should see a large parking lot on your right and a marina on your left.

Go in the direction of “Cantiere Timavo“.
Parking lot , near the central the canal of the village (on the left).

The first thing I would like to show you is a nice path fallowing the “Timavo” river in the direction of San Giovanni di Duino (the next village).
If you are on bike, continue and keep on going on that road.
You should arrive (1 km later) near an old abandonned house.
The Timavo river will be on your left.

If you came by car, I recommend that you continue driving on the same road untill you reach that same abandonned house.
Once you’ll reach that house, park your car nearby and get out of the car.

Abandonned house next to the Timavo river. If you came by car, park your car nearby.

Now the fun begins. You are on foot or on a bike …
Leave the old house behind your back and follow the river.
The path along the river is really lovely, especially when the weather is good.
Hearing the sound of the river while walking (or biking) is really relaxing.
After 500-600 meters, you will arrive in San giovanni di Duino.

Path leading to San Giavanni di Duino. The abandonned house is behind our back.
We already see the bell tower of the “Church of Giovanni Battista” in San Giovanni di Duino.
Approaching the road “SS14” at the entrance of San Giovanni di Duino.

Near the main road, you’ll see “The monument to the Wolves of Tuscany” or “Monumento ai Lupi di Toscana” in Italian.
This monument is dedicated to the soldiers of the 77th & 78th infantry regiment (a.k.a “Toscan brigade”)
who lost their lives in the spring of 1917 during the 10th battle of Isonzo.
I will talk more of San Giovanni di Duino in another article.

Monument to the Wolves of Tuscany ” on our right, next to the main road.
Close-up of the monument. Two bronze wolves on top of a boulder.

Now, let’s go back to the marina of Villagio del Pescatore, near the parking lot.
This part of the village is the perfect place to take a stroll along the water.
You’ll see hundreds of boats. Many of them are fishermen’s boat.
Walking along the canals is really nice and relaxing.

One of the canal of the village. Boats can go to the sea at the end of this canal.
End of the same canal. The adriatic sea is just in front of us.

There’s also a tiny beach (almost hidden) at the end of the central canal somewhere.
I let you guys have fun trying to find it.
Last time I went taking a stroll in the village, I saw this tiny beach for the first time.
It was in mid-April and it was a warm and sunny day.
I found that beach by chance and there was only one woman taking a sun bath.

Part of the tiny beach, not far from the end of the central canal.

There are 3 restaurants (that I know of) in the village.
The first is Ristaurante II Gabiano, the second is Coop del Pesce and the last one is Al Pescaturismo.
These 3 restaurants sale fresh fish and seafood.
I have not eaten there yet, but I intend to eat in one of these 3 restautants one day.
When I do, I will let you know if it is good …or not.


My tips for Villaggio del Pescatore:

1/Park your car here.
2/ Take a stroll along the canals in the Marina.
3/ Go along the “Timova” river towards “San Giovanni di Duino”.
4/ Go visit San Giovanni di Duino.
5/ Go visit the Castle of Duino (2 km away).
6/ Go visit Sistiana (4 km away).
7/ Go visit Monfalcone (5 km away).

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