Hi guys,

Today, I am going showing you Komen (->map).
It is a village of 700 inhabitants in the karst region but it is also a commune.
There are about 3500 people living in this commune.
The commune of Komen includes many other little villages (Ivanji Grag, Zagrajec, Gorjansko, Sveto, Kostanjevica, Štanjel etc …).


It is hard not to talk about Komen because if you stop in this area,
you will need to find a super market, a pharmacy, a post office, a gas station etc …
It would be difficult to dodge Komen because it is the closest village where you’ll be able to find all these services.

The heart of this village is the main square near the Tuš super market.
In the middle of it stands a memorial for the villagers who died during WWII.
Komen had been completly burned down by german soldiers in 1944 and was rebuild from scratch after the war.
Some of the men who were killed by german soldiers have their name written on the memorial in the middle of the square.

Center square with a world war II memorial in the middle.

From the main square, you’ll see the super market Tuš, an OMV gas station, 2 cafés,
a bakery and the church of the village with its high tower bell.

A few tourists visit Komen and the neighbouring villages in the karst region during the summer.
Many of them come visit the region to do some hiking and to go cycling in the country.

If you stop by in Komen, I recommend you to have a drink or eat in the village to blend in with locals.
I recommend you to have a drink and eat at the Bar Paradiso.

Bar Paradiso is also a Hotel. There are rooms and appartments on the second and third floor.
The boss Marko is a friend of mine. If tell him that you know me (Philippe) and you’ll have a very good discount.

Bar Paradiso behind the OMV gas station.
Kids’ playground behind the bar. The bar is kid-firendly.

If you’d like to eat, I recommend you the restaurant Pri Brajdi or the restaurant Špacapan House.
Restaurant Pri Brajdi make simple food but good and is very unexpensive (5,5 €  to 15 €).
The menu for lunch is only 5,5€ (monday to friday). Hard to beat that !

Reastaurant Pri Brajdi.
View of the vineyards from the terrace of the restaurant.
Menu of the day  for lunch -> Pasulj (bean soup) and salad and bred ( only 5,50 €).

If you are not on a budget, I recommend you to eat at the restaurant Špacapan House.
Not cheap but food is exquisite ( >40€ ) and the decor inside is really nice.

Hotel and restautant Špacapan House, 150 meters away from the main square.

If you have kids, I recommend you to go to park that is behind the Antona Šibelj primary school of komen.
Take the little road just to the right of the school and continue in the direction of Kennel Klub.
The park is hidden (in the forrest) about 80 meters behind the primary school.
It is a very nice place to play and to relax.

Little street to the left of the primary school. Walk along that street …
Once you’ll see that panel, keep on walking along that little alley.
80 meters away, on your left, you’ll find this nice little park.
This little park away hidden in the forrest is a great place to play and relax.


My tips for Komen:

1/ Go eat/drink at Pri Brajdi.
2/ Go eat at the restaurant Špacapan House (not cheap).
3/ Sleep at the hotel Spacapan House.
4/ Go visit Gorjansko, Ivanji Grad and Zagrajec.
5/ Go visit Štanjel.
6/ Go cycling in the country.
7/ Rent a room/appartment at Bar Paradiso (discount).

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